It’s Snowing Again!
I can’t believe I ever disliked this stuff! It’s awesome! Mom says she is trying to work, but I really do have to go potty every 15 minutes! (Eating snow is very hydrating.)
I can’t believe I ever disliked this stuff! It’s awesome! Mom says she is trying to work, but I really do have to go potty every 15 minutes! (Eating snow is very hydrating.)
Mom says my work on deconstructing this amazing new toy is ironic. I think she meant iconic? Anyway she was yelling very enthusiastically, so I think she’s quite proud of me.
Good grief the hassle I put up with! I am just trying to do one of my MANY thankless jobs around here. I don’t see anyone else bothering to check these power cords and make sure they’re chew proof. Hmmpf
Does anyone else have to listen to Mom Lectures?? Here I am trying to not look bored as Mom goes on about something called caus-a-tion and cor-re-la-tion. I don’t know if these are other dogs? All I know is I am positive that one time I barked and growled at this toy and it finally…
Mom says I may need to work on my discernment, but my heart’s in the right place.
Today was my Birthday! I was not surprised to find out April 15 is already a day of national importance. I’ve been around for a whole year after all. I’m sure next year it will be a regular holiday. I enjoyed a day of lounging around doing nothing and occasionally going outside to eat various…