Nature Walk

This was the day I went on my first nature walk. Duration: 30 minutes. My human declined to allow me to sniff *all* the things, therefore we advanced about a half mile and back instead of the 10-foot radius of Other Dog Deposits I had originally surmised would be our focus. I was required to…

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Brave Churro

Once again, Churro has failed to make his human understand the dire threats lurking in the home, such as this paper towel roll that was sticking out of the recycle can. Even 10 solid minutes of barking at it did not convince his mom of the danger. But he will not be discouraged, and will…

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The Birds and the Bees

I tried to explain to Mom that the fuzzy black and yellow creature perched on this flower is a threat to civilization and must be eaten just like moths and butterflies. So far my mission to eliminate the threat in all it’s winged, 6-legged guises has been unsuccessful (due to human interference!) But I will…

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